
Your use of our website and our services is subject to the following terms and conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, these terms and conditions apply whatever device you use to access our websites and/or our services.

You are deemed to be bound to these terms and conditions by your visit to our website and/or your use of our services.

Our Content

We do our best to ensure that all content that you access on our website is

  • suitable for all our age groups (unless otherwise indicated)
  • free from any material that infringes any copyright or other intellectual property
  • free from any defamatory statements
  • (in the case of advertising and/or sponsorship material) free from any misrepresentative and/or misleading statement
  • free of any abusive, illegal, adult, overly violent or otherwise unsuitable material

However, we cannot promise you, and do not guarantee in any way, that all of our content is free of such material. Furthermore, there may, in the future, be parts of our website that invite your participation and we do not have any up-front control over the resultant content. If you have a concern about any of content on our site please let us know.

User Contributed Content

You must not post any content on our site that is commercial in nature (e.g. we do not want you to try to sell anything on our site), a breach of confidence or otherwise falls within one of the bulleted categories set out in the `Our content` section above.

In respect of any content that you do submit, you hereby grant us a perpetual royalty and premium free licence to use all such content for all purposes that our site and our services may require (both at the time of posting and any enhancement thereof, whether foreseeable or not) anywhere and everywhere in the world and to republish and permit the republication of such content anywhere else on the internet and/or in print publications and/or similar.

Other websites

Our content contains links to other websites that may not be under our control. We are not responsible in any way for the content of those websites and you follow any links at your own risk. We do not endorse the services or products that you may find on any other website.

Your Privacy

We do collect and use data about how you and other viewers browse our sites and view our content. Certain parts of our site may require you to identify yourself. Please review our Privacy Policy for further details.


Some parts of our site may require that you identify yourself to us. In doing so, you must not use any false information, or impersonate any third party. If you give us an email address, it must be your own or one that you are authorised to use.

Permitted Use

You may visit and use our site (and our feeds) for non-commercial purposes only. Without our prior written consent, you may not use or attempt

  • to use any systematic method to copy our content so as to create a database in electronic or paper form comprising in whole or in part our content
  • to copy any of our content for the purposes of republishing it
  • to modify or adapt or derive other works from our content
  • to scan, spider or index our content in violation of our robots.txt directives
  • to scan, spider or index our content in a manner inconsistent with good industry practice or so as to place an unreasonable burden or load on the webservers and other technical infrastructure from which our systems are operated (even if permitted by our robots.txt directives)

If we believe that you are not acting in accordance with our rules we may suspend or terminate your access to the interactive elements of our site and/or block you from our site altogether.


We do not guarantee in any way that our website will remain as it is nor be available at any particular time.

All our content is provided on an as-is basis. To the maximum extent allowed by law, we do not give any representation, warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect of our website or any of our content including, without limitation, any warranty of satisfactory quality, conformity, accuracy, adequacy or fitness for any particular purposes.

In our site and through our community you may well interact with other people. We are not liable for any harm you might come to nor damage you may suffer as a result of such interaction.


You shall indemnify and hold us and our data providers and our advertisers harmless against all costs, damages, expenses (including, without limitation, legal expenses), loss and liabilities that arise as a direct or indirect result of any breach of these terms by you, your fault, your negligence or breach of statutory duty.

Exclusions of liability

You agree that we are not liable to you for any loss (of whatsoever nature) that you may suffer as a result of your access and use of our site. However this shall not extend so as to exclude any liability it is not lawful to exclude (either now or in the future).


These terms and conditions are the entire agreement between us and you as to your access and use of our website.

The rights and remedies set out in these terms and conditions are cumulative and without prejudice to any other accrued rights and remedies, whether under contract, law or otherwise.

If any of these terms and conditions are or become illegal or unenforceable under applicable law, that part that is illegal or unenforceable shall be deemed to be removed from these terms and conditions.

Save as set out in the indemnity, nothing in this agreement shall create any right for any third party pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

These terms and conditions and your relationship with us is subject to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute which may arise under or in connected with these terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions (including the other documents that are referred to) at any time. You should check back from time to time to make sure that you are complying with the most recent version.

Corporate Details

Agile Projects Limited

Langley House

Park Road

London, England, N2 8EY

Company No. 7655049